Planetary Chronology & The Hora

Planetary Chronology & The Hora

What is Hora & Planetary Chronology

Hora is the application of planetary time and translates to ‘hour.’ In order for us to understand this science, and its applications, we must understand the divisions of time. The hora takes us beyond earthly ‘time’ and into the heavenly spheres. Hora and planetary hours teach the influences of time from the celestial spheres, this acquaints us with the forces occurring within these spheres and is one method of connecting heaven unto earth. 


Planetary Hours- The Luminaries and their forces 

We use the stars to determine time, meaning no matter where you were on earth, time was imbued with a specific nature, and surpasses our mechanical earthly numbering of time such as 2:00. If the fixed stars with the Sun and Moon determine the season, it is then the wandering luminaries (the planets) that determine the forces within the phases. This is why planets were called ‘luminaries’ as they illuminate their qualities and characteristics. The ancients across East and West used planetary ordering to understand the celestial influence unto earth, and to order their actions in accordance with these planetary influences (forces). 


The Fortunate Hours, based on the philosophy of Planetary Influences, book

Chaldean Ordering 

There are 3 categories of ordering: daily, hourly, and by duality. The daily ordering of the week is assigned to the planetary rulers, in which the day derives its name. Each hour is associated with each planet and is based on its transit speed, this is known as the Chaldean Order. The hourly classification based on the Chaldean order, begins at Sunrise or 6 AM for simplicity sake, and is as follows: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. This order repeats over a 24 hour period of each day, making 3.5 planetary cycles in one day. (24 hours divided by 7 planets = 3.43).  Another thing to note is the hourly planetary ruler is the same as the daily planetary ruler and  will begin each day at sunrise or 6 AM. It was believed that when the sun rose, that planet began the day and therefore its hour must be assigned at 6 AM. Therefore, Saturday is the only day in which the Chaldean order follows the day and the hour.

The last classification is duality- or the 12 hour clock of day light and night. The duality is the light and dark (daylight and night) and has roots in the Egyptian time keeping, this was seen with the amount of sunlight measured with an obelisk. It classifies beyond night and day and should be thought of as the positive and negative aspects of that planetary hour, or the positive/negative charge of the planetary ruler, ruling over the hour. (e.g. Sun rules at 6:00 AM on Sunday is a positive charge, while the Sun ruling at 8:00 PM on Sunday is a negative charge). Think of charge like a battery, or protons (+) and electrons (-). From midnight to midday is the positive, light, or masculine aspect, while midday to midnight is the negative, dark, feminine aspect. 

In summary, the day is named after the planet (which it is named after), this is division level 1, going more micro, the hour of each day will follow a planetary order based on the planet's transit speed (Chaledean Order). Each day will begin its hour at 6 AM, this second division- level 2. Going more micro, each day is divisible by two at the 12 hour mark-midday, and again at the second 12 hour mark- midnight. Known as the 'even' hours it creates equal hours of light and dark. This is the duality and should be accounted for in its positive or negative aspect- activating or cooling the planet of that hour, under the ruling planet of the day. 

“Set your days to the stars.” - Proclus


The ordering of the planets into our days, and hours enables man to understand the unseen forces at play. The universal dance of the metaphysical within the ordering of mundane life. This ordering should be used to rule over actions and days. By understanding the divisions of time, we begin to understand the forces of creation and should use them in accordance with man’s highest intentions. This is the purpose, as stated in Hellenistic literature, and in the Hora Shastra. We also see this purpose carried through to European alchemy and mystic schools. The alignment of actions with planetary rulers follows the three-fold level. The primary key is to match intention with the planet that rules over the effects. An example of this is choosing Wednesday or the hour of Mercury for anything related to communications, internet, analysis. The more aspects that are aligned the better. (i.e. Choosing Wednesday (Day of Mercury), at 1PM (Hour of Mercury) to give a presentation.) 1PM is the negative aspect and can be used to release information, and not a negative such as ‘bad’. The application of the planetary hours, is used for rituals, planning of civics, and for aspects of daily life. It aligns us with the influences of the stars. The more aspects that are in alignment, the greater the potency of those forces. Remember, that planets were called ‘luminaries’ their force and qualities are becoming illumined, stacking this influence creates a compounding, multiplying effect, and is said to ensure greater success. Lastly, this art and science has been used to awaken and empower man for centuries. It was said that no vedic astrologer would be successful unless well versed in the Hora.


Buy the planetary hours book, Fortunate Hours

Buy the Lunisolar calendar

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